Men's C Section: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Asanda Diniso 5 5 100.00
1 Marc Farr 5 5 100.00
1 Gerald Schnablegger 5 5 100.00
4 Rodney Mare 3 3 100.00
5 Angela Fraser 2 2 100.00
6 Camilla Stone 1 1 100.00
7 Marios Van Dongen 3 4 75.00
8 Ian Turner 2 3 66.67
9 Kathy Scott 3 5 60.00
10 Keith Van Onselen 2 4 50.00
11 Sydney Ambler 2 5 40.00
11 Alan Ellerbeck 2 5 40.00
11 Barry Mitchley 2 5 40.00
14 Simon Sayer 1 3 33.33
14 David Lawrence 1 3 33.33
14 Thomas Lawrence 1 3 33.33
14 Patrick Matthys 1 3 33.33
18 Pierre Marais 1 4 25.00
19 Steve Asquith 1 5 20.00
20 Lyle Ferreira 0 4 0.00
21 John Forbes 0 3 0.00
22 Lisa O'Grady 0 2 0.00
23 Vusi Khumalo 0 1 0.00
23 Warren Durant 0 1 0.00
23 Douglas Senekal 0 1 0.00
23 Garth Hayward 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Angela Fraser 1314
2 Kathy Scott 1308
3 Camilla Stone 1290
4 Rodney Mare 1264
5 Pierre Marais 1227
6 Lisa O'Grady 1226
7 Keith Van Onselen 1221
8 Thomas Lawrence 1215
9 Steve Asquith 1171
10 Barry Mitchley 1131
11 David Lawrence 1078
12 John Forbes 1070
13 Asanda Diniso 1058
14 Marc Farr 1053
15 Marios Van Dongen 1037
16 Patrick Matthys 1031
17 Alan Ellerbeck 1024
18 Sydney Ambler 1019
19 Vusi Khumalo 979
20 Douglas Senekal 957
21 Gerald Schnablegger 919
22 Warren Durant 905
23 Lyle Ferreira 831
24 Ian Turner 800
25 Garth Hayward 772
26 Simon Sayer 754
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Marios Van Dongen 75.00 3 1
2 Asanda Diniso 100.00 5 0
3 Alan Ellerbeck 50.00 2 2
4 Marc Farr 100.00 5 0
5 Gerald Schnablegger 100.00 5 0
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Asanda Diniso 5 5 100.00
2 Gerald Schnablegger 2 2 100.00
2 Marc Farr 2 2 100.00
4 Angela Fraser 1 1 100.00
5 Marios Van Dongen 3 4 75.00
6 Thomas Lawrence 1 2 50.00
6 Patrick Matthys 1 2 50.00
6 Ian Turner 1 2 50.00
9 Alan Ellerbeck 2 5 40.00
10 Sydney Ambler 1 3 33.33
10 Simon Sayer 1 3 33.33
12 Lyle Ferreira 3 0.00
13 John Forbes 1 0.00
13 Steve Asquith 1 0.00
13 Pierre Marais 1 0.00
13 Warren Durant 1 0.00
13 Douglas Senekal 1 0.00
13 Barry Mitchley 1 0.00
13 Keith Van Onselen 1 0.00
13 Garth Hayward 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Vusi Khumalo 500 979 479
2 Asanda Diniso 910 1058 148
3 Marios Van Dongen 945 1037 92
4 Douglas Senekal 877 957 80
5 Gerald Schnablegger 855 919 64
6 Marc Farr 1013 1053 40
6 Alan Ellerbeck 984 1024 40
8 Sydney Ambler 985 1019 34
9 Simon Sayer 722 754 32
10 Patrick Matthys 1006 1031 25
11 Angela Fraser 1292 1314 22
12 Ian Turner 782 800 18
13 Thomas Lawrence 1212 1215 3
14 Rodney Mare 1263 1264 1
15 Warren Durant 905 905 0
16 Camilla Stone 1293 1290 -3
17 Garth Hayward 776 772 -4
18 Keith Van Onselen 1232 1221 -11
19 Lyle Ferreira 843 831 -12
20 Pierre Marais 1242 1227 -15
21 Barry Mitchley 1148 1131 -17
22 David Lawrence 1098 1078 -20
23 John Forbes 1091 1070 -21
24 Lisa O'Grady 1247 1226 -21
25 Kathy Scott 1337 1308 -29
26 Steve Asquith 1201 1171 -30
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Lyle Ferreira 4 4 100.00
2 John Forbes 3 3 100.00
3 Lisa O'Grady 2 2 100.00
4 Vusi Khumalo 1 1 100.00
4 Warren Durant 1 1 100.00
4 Douglas Senekal 1 1 100.00
4 Garth Hayward 1 1 100.00
8 Steve Asquith 4 5 80.00
9 Pierre Marais 3 4 75.00
10 Simon Sayer 2 3 66.67
10 David Lawrence 2 3 66.67
10 Thomas Lawrence 2 3 66.67
10 Patrick Matthys 2 3 66.67
14 Sydney Ambler 3 5 60.00
14 Alan Ellerbeck 3 5 60.00
14 Barry Mitchley 3 5 60.00
17 Keith Van Onselen 2 4 50.00
18 Kathy Scott 2 5 40.00
19 Ian Turner 1 3 33.33
20 Marios Van Dongen 1 4 25.00
21 Asanda Diniso 0 5 0.00
21 Marc Farr 0 5 0.00
21 Gerald Schnablegger 0 5 0.00
24 Rodney Mare 0 3 0.00
25 Angela Fraser 0 2 0.00
26 Camilla Stone 0 1 0.00